More About Functions (Part 2)

More About Functions (Part 2)

In this blog, we will dive into some advanced concepts in JavaScript functions, focusing on the rest and spread operators, passing objects and arrays as function arguments, and understanding their use cases.

Rest and Spread Operators

The ... syntax in JavaScript is known as the rest operator or the spread operator, depending on the context in which it is used.

Rest Operator Example

The rest operator allows a function to accept an indefinite number of arguments as an array. Here's an example:

function calculateCartPrice(num1) {
    return num1;
//outputs: 200

What if the user passes more than one value:

Then it will only return the first value, therefore we can use rest operator like this:

function calculateCartPrice(...num1) {
    return num1;

console.log(calculateCartPrice(200, 400, 500, 2000));
//outputs: [200, 400, 500, 2000]

//we can also write this as

function calculateCartPrice(val1, val2, ...num1) {
    return num1;

console.log(calculateCartPrice(200, 400, 500, 2000));
//outputs: 200
        // 400
        // [500, 2000]

In this code:

  • val1 and val2 will capture the first two arguments.

  • ...num1 will capture the rest of the arguments into an array.

  • The function will log val1 and val2, and return the array num1.

Passing Objects in Functions

Objects can be easily passed as arguments to functions, allowing you to work with complex data structures.

Example with an Object

//defining object
const user = {
    username: "harsh",
    price: 199

//defining function
function handleObject(anyobject) {
    console.log(`Username is ${anyobject.username} and price is ${anyobject.price}`);

// Two ways to call the function that takes an object
//outputs: username is harsh and price is 199

    username: "sam",
    price: 299
//outputs: username is sam and price is 299

In this example:

  • We define a user object with username and price properties.

  • The handleObject function takes an object as an argument and logs its properties.

  • The function is called directly with an object literal.

Passing Arrays in Functions

Similar to objects, arrays can also be passed as arguments to functions, providing a flexible way to handle lists of data.

Example with an Array

//defining an array
const myNewArray = [200, 400, 100, 600];

//defining function
function returnSecondValue(getArray) {
    return getArray[1];

// 2 ways of calling this function
//outputs: 400

console.log(returnSecondValue([200, 1000, 9000, 1500]));
//outputs: 1000

In this example:

  • We define a function returnSecondValue that takes an array as an argument and returns the second element of the array.

  • The function is called with an array literal.


In this blog, we've explored some advanced concepts in JavaScript functions, including the rest and spread operators, and how to pass objects and arrays as function arguments. These techniques enhance the flexibility and power of your JavaScript functions, allowing you to handle a wide range of use cases efficiently.