In this blog post, we'll delve into some key aspects of JavaScript conditionals and operators, using practical examples to illustrate their functionality. Let's get started!
Conditional Statements
Conditional statements are fundamental in controlling the flow of our code. They allow us to execute certain pieces of code based on whether a condition is true or false.
Example 1: Checking User Email
// const userEmail = "";
// const userEmail = "";
const userEmail = [];
if (userEmail) {
console.log("Got user email");
} else {
console.log("Don't have user email");
//outputs: Got user Email
In the example above, we're checking if userEmail
contains a value. If it does, we log "Got user email"; otherwise, we log "Don't have user email". Note that in JavaScript, certain values are considered truth and falsy.
//List of truthy and falsy values
//falsy: 0, -0, false, 0n (this is inside BigInt), "", null, undefined, NaN
// truthy: "0", "false", " ", [], {} -> this is an empty object, function(){} -> empty function
Example 2: Checking if an Array is Empty
let userName = "harsh";
console.log("It is a truthy value"); //outputs: It is a truthy value
console.log("It is a falsy value")
let newName = "";
console.log("It is a truthy value");
console.log("It is a falsy value"); //outputs: It is a falsy value
let userName = []; //will output "array is empty"
if (userEmail.length === 0) {
console.log("Array is empty");
console.log("array is not empty");
//outputs: array is empty
Here, we check if the userEmail
array is empty by verifying its length.
Example 3: Checking if an Object is Empty
const emptyObj = {};
if (Object.keys(emptyObj).length === 0) {
console.log("Object is empty");
To check if an object is empty, we use Object.keys()
, which returns an array of the object's own enumerable property names. If the length of this array is 0, the object is empty.
Nullish Coalescing Operator (??)
The nullish coalescing operator (??
) is used to provide a default value when dealing with null
or undefined
let val1;
// val1 = 5 ?? 10; //outputs: 5
// val1 = null ?? 10; //outputs: 10
// val1 = undefined ?? 15; //outputs: 15
val1 = null ?? 10 ?? 20; // Takes the first value after null or undefined, which is 10
console.log(val1); // Outputs: 10
In this example, val1
is assigned the value 10
because the first null
value triggers the fallback to the next non-nullish value.
Ternary Operator
The ternary operator is a concise way to perform conditional checks.
// condition ? true : false
const iceTeaPrice = 100;
iceTeaPrice <= 80 ? console.log("less than 80") : console.log("more than 80");
//outputs: more than 80
This operator checks if iceTeaPrice
is less than or equal to 80. If true, it logs "less than 80"; otherwise, it logs "more than 80".
In this post, we've covered:
Basic conditional statements with
Checking if arrays and objects are empty
Using the nullish coalescing operator (
)Simplifying conditions with the ternary operator
These fundamental concepts are crucial for controlling the flow of your JavaScript code effectively. By mastering these, you can write more readable and maintainable code.